And finally, SOTM LATAM 2024 took place in Belém, Brazil, from December 6 to 8. Those of us who had the opportunity to attend enjoyed it very much and for those who couldn’t make it here, we’ll briefly tell you what happened.
Day 1
On Friday 6th we started with the registration of attendees and a short mapping walk, with which we wanted to make a small contribution to the map of Belém.

In the afternoon, after the closing of FOSS4G, we met for a moment to get to know each other and exchange expectations.

Day 2
On Saturday 7th we officially started the event and began the series of talks and workshops. We stopped for lunch to enjoy a delicious feijoada and then continued with the program.

When the program was over we went to the much-awaited Geobeer where we also celebrated the birthday of one of the attendees.

Day 3
On Sunday 8th we continued with the talks and workshops. Once again we had a nice Brazilian lunch and then we began the final stretch of presentations.

Finally, we had a plenary session where the proposal of the Colombian OSM community for the next SOTM LATAM 2025 to take place in the city of Medellín, Colombia, was presented and subsequently approved.

Put in such a brief and schematic way, it may seem that SOTM LATAM 2024 was nothing out of the ordinary, but since it wasn’t, here is a list of things that made this SOTM memorable!
SOTM LATAM 2024 Milestones
- It was the first SOTM LATAM after five years
- It was the sixth SOTM LATAM
- It was the second SOTM LATAM in Brazil
- It was the first SOTM LATAM in the Amazon
- It had 82 attendees
- It was the first to have more female attendance: 42 women, 40 men
- It was attended by people from 18 countries
- It was the first SOTM LATAM to have a representative from the OSM Board
- We had representatives from the 5 sponsors of the event
- 21 presentations, 1 panel, 1 round table, 6 workshops, 1 community discussion, 1 walkathon and 1 geobeer were held
- It was possible to give continuity to the event for next year by deciding the city that will host SOTM LATAM 2025

Finally, a thank you to all those who were involved and made State of the Map Latam 2024 possible: attendees, speakers, sponsors, members of the Organizing Committees and especially to Rodrigo Smarzaro, Tatiana Para, Kaue Vestena, Vitor George, Yasmila Herrera, Catalina Restrepo and Mikel Maron who put in that extra contribution necessary to make this happen.

See you next year in Medellin!
More about the SOTM LATAM 2024
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sotmlatam/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPZlngwRgZL3vDDCdrSIbJEYr-Fqp8tQM
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